
The city does not offer closed captions of the videos, nor does it offer a transcript. And our meeting minutes are laughably sparse – basically who made a motion, second, and how the vote went.

This seems like a clear cut violation of ADA, but the kind that is not going to be fixed any time soon. From some quick googling, it appears that disability rights groups are currently struggling to fight this on the state level, and the state of Texas, among others, is refusing to provide subtitles or transcripts.

Selfishly, I want transcripts because I can skim a transcript far faster than I can sit here and watch a video. That’s the thing about accommodations – we should do them because it’s the right thing to do, but they also benefit all of us. Sometimes when we’re healthy, and all of us will be ailing at some point.

The other thing I’d like is the ability to watch the videos at 1.5x speed. It kills me to sit through every sigh and languid pause. City council members are not entertainers, nor should they be, but it means that the timing is, um, about 1/3 the rpm that I wish it were.